
常規價格:19,85 €
價格:16,23 €(8,12 € / 100ml)
節省 18%

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高防护 SPF20+
Canarias Cosmetics Hight Protection SPF20+ 是一款先进的防晒霜,可提供广谱保护,防止 UVA 和 UVB 射线造成的伤害。这款防晒霜以100%天然芦荟为主要成分,不仅能保护您的肌肤,还能补水、滋养,帮助肌肤保持年轻。它非常适合用于面部和身体,非常适合阳光敏感的皮肤,提供有效的屏障,防止过早衰老并促进自然晒黑。
- 100%天然芦荟:芦荟富含蛋白质、维生素(B12、B4、B6)和微量元素(如镁、钙、钾、铁、磷和钠),以其保湿、舒缓和再生特性而闻名。为皮肤提供所有必需的营养物质,以保持皮肤健康和柔软。
- 广谱防晒霜:保护皮肤免受有害 UVA 和 UVB 射线的侵害,防止阳光损伤、灼伤和过早衰老。
- 激活黑色素:刺激皮肤的自然晒黑过程,有助于安全地获得美丽且均匀的晒黑效果。
- 有效防晒:SPF 20,提供的保护屏障比皮肤天然的防晒保护能力强 20 倍。
- 保湿和柔软:得益于芦荟,它可以在阳光照射下保持皮肤水润和光滑。
- 抗衰老作用:作为抗衰老防晒霜,防止皱纹和晒斑。
- 防水性:它不需要经常重新涂抹,因为它是防水的,非常适合户外活动。
- 自然晒黑:刺激黑色素的产生,促进健康的晒黑效果,而不损害皮肤的健康。
Canarias Cosmetics 的高防护 SPF20+ 已被证明可有效防止阳光伤害、滋润和恢复肌肤活力。持续涂抹有助于防止晒伤、降低斑点风险并保持健康、持久的晒黑肤色。肌肤感觉柔软、水润,并免受阳光的伤害。
- 大量涂抹:在阳光照射前,将大量涂抹于清洁、干燥的皮肤上,确保所有暴露区域均得到良好覆盖。
- 特殊部位:特别注意脸部、鼻子和肩膀,这些部位是最容易受到阳光照射的部位。
- 重新涂抹:虽然防水,但建议游泳或出汗后重新涂抹,尤其是为了保持保护。
- 250 ML
7 reviews
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Super, ich habe diese Creme schon viele Jahre.

I have used this sun lotion for many years now as I no longer burn and enjoy outdoors more. It also keeps my skin hydrated and soft. Brilliant.

Absolutely love this suncream so always buy multiples when I find it been using it for years. Regular updates on tracking the parcel and love my 2 little free gifts. Will definitely order again and definitely recommend this product.

I have bought this for many years when holidaying in Lanzarote but as I shall not be going there this year I ordered it online for my holiday to Greece in September. It works so well applying only once a day protects and promotes a lovely tan I would not be without it.

E' perfetto. Uno dei classici che danno sempre buoni risultati.

Super, ich habe diese Creme schon viele Jahre.

I have used this sun lotion for many years now as I no longer burn and enjoy outdoors more. It also keeps my skin hydrated and soft. Brilliant.

Absolutely love this suncream so always buy multiples when I find it been using it for years. Regular updates on tracking the parcel and love my 2 little free gifts. Will definitely order again and definitely recommend this product.

I have bought this for many years when holidaying in Lanzarote but as I shall not be going there this year I ordered it online for my holiday to Greece in September. It works so well applying only once a day protects and promotes a lovely tan I would not be without it.

E' perfetto. Uno dei classici che danno sempre buoni risultati.